How to fix PowerPoint slide numbers

Sometimes the slide numbers in PowerPoint simply won’t behave. You may have seen:

Slide numbers that jump around from slide to slide
Nothing happens when you add a slide number to a slide
Some slides have two slide numbers on them

This may be due to the way the PowerPoint template you are using has been set up. Or perhaps it happened because of content that’s been copied into your deck. But it’s always frustrating. And rarely obvious how to resolve.

In the video below, I’ll walk you through the way I recommend fixing your page numbers. It’s almost the equivalent of turning the computer off and on again, but it will fix most of your problems.

If you are having problems with page numbers regularly, then it’s probably time to get a better template.

Do you want to learn how to improve the quality of your documents so that they reflect the quality of your thinking? Talk to us to discuss how we can help.
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November 14, 2023


Do you work in a professional or corporate setting? Do you write everything down in PowerPoint? Do you worry that your documents don't reflect well on you?

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